Friday, January 25, 2013

Off the track ;/

So I have not been running this past week because I ran out of my KT tape. :( I hope this doesn't throw me too far "off the track." I am so excited that I am able to run again that I do not want to take any chances hurting myself again. Luckily I love rollerblading and I have been doing that in the meantime. When I got home from work today I had a nice little package in the mail.... KT TAPE YAY! so guess what I'll be doing tomorrow morning?????

How is everyone else doing with their training? So far I have lost 3 pounds since Jan 1 and am down a pants size (yay!) almost in my favorite jeans again :) Happy to say I haven't fell off the workout wagon yet!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Time to Train for a 5k!

One of my goals for the new year was to get my bum knee back into shape and run a 5k, so I decided to sign up for "Color Me Rad." And so far my hubby, sister-in-law, and 7 other friends have signed up, it will be a fun thing for us to do together! For those of you who don't know what color me rad is, it's a 5k where the runners are required to wear all white and are decorated in different colors at different marks in the race, at the end of the race you look like a rainbow!

I started training for the run a week ago and surprisingly am running better than I ever have! I bought this tape called "KT tape" to tape my knee, and so far no pain and works 10x's better than my brace. I started last Saturday running 1.4 miles, and today I am up to 2.05. I can see why people love running so much, each mile is a challenge and after the run I always think of how much farther I want to run next time. It has already become my new favorite thing to do! Maybe sometime in the future I can run the Disney marathon! I need to take baby steps and focus on my 5k first. Looking for more 5k's to sign up for in 2013.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Goal pants.

Goal pants, we all have them right? Well I found mine as I was cleaning out my closet the other day and decided to try them on. I was disappointed when I could not zip or button them. I decided to keep them as my "goal". The last time I wore these pants was about 2 years ago. I am taking a picture in them each week to see my body transform and hopefully fit into them again!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Proud of myself!

Started running in between skating and trying to build up strength in my bum knee. I started using light walking weights while running and skating to tone my arms as I go, yay for multitasking!!!

I have only been exercising these past few weeks and lost 4lbs already. 4 more until I am where I want to be. I need to fit into my favorite jeans again!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Only makes me STRONGER!

I DID IT!!! I beat my weekly goal of 4.5 miles!

It was a little tough and windy, almost gave up at one point, but I kept pushing because I knew I can do it. Now to think of new goals for next week. I think I will get light weights for my wrists to work out my arms while I skate. Also need to work in an ab routine at one point. How did everyone do with their goals this week?

Here is one of my fav workout songs for inspiration . Now time to celebrate my birthday :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Almost there!

So I almost accomplished my weekly goal of 4.5 miles, yay! Hoping to do that by Sunday ;) how is everyone else doing with their weekly goals? Feels good to be skating again, so much fun!

Monday, November 12, 2012


I have not really used this blog in awhile. My friend and fellow blogger inspired me to revamp my blog and turn it into a fitness tracker. Throughout the year, I have been on and off with my workout routines. But I figured if I write about my goals and accomplishments it may push me to achieve more :)

So I am going to start from scratch...
My most favorite workout at the moment is rollerblading. I love it because it's easy on my bad knee, and I can sort-of accomplish similar goals to running (except for I skate much faster than I can run). I usually skate about 3.5 miles at a time. I am going to push my goal this week to 4.5 miles by Friday. I know I can do it! Now time for me to get off my ass and start skating :)

(no this is not me).